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Showing posts from April, 2011

Women in the Economy -

Women in the Economy - A Blueprint for Change At a Wall Street Journal conference, business and government leaders examined what's holding women back in the workplace—and set out an action plan for creating new opportunities. Join the Discussion Task Force Members Where Are All the Senior-Level Women? Vikram Malhotra sums up McKinsey's research into why women are being held back in the workplace and how that can be fixed. Claudia Goldin, Saadia Zahidi and Nancy Carter discuss the findings. Read the McKinsey report on unlocking women's potential. Coaching Urged for Women How important is coaching in advancement? The Juggle: Why Women Rarely Leave Middle Management Tales From the Front Lines Mellody Hobson, Julie Louise Gerberding, Marissa Mayer and Debra L. Lee talk about challenges for women in the workplace and how they did what they did. Video: Google's Mayer on Privacy Agreement Vote: Should more resources go to women? The Global View S...

Ofertas de empleo - CompuTrabajo NICARAGUA

Ofertas de empleo - CompuTrabajo : " NICARAGUA- Promoviendo Prosperidad! Promotor de Servicios Financieros Buscamos: *profesional en ciencias administrativas *experiencia en servicios financieros (deseble) *actitud de excelencia en servicio al cliente Ofrecemos: *salario básico + atractivo plan de comisiones Presentarse a entrevista antes del 2 de mayo del 2011 Localidad: Managua - Managua Salario: básico + comisiones Fecha: 25 de abril de 2011 3. - Vendedores por telemercadeo - Outbound Experiencia en ventas telefónicas, de tarjetas de crédito, paquetes vacacionales, servicios bancarios, o productos afines. Con disponibilidad de horarios. Buena voz y dicción. Localidad: Managua - Managua Salario: A convenir Fecha: 25 de abril de 2011 4. - Gerente Administrativo Licenciado en Administracion de Empresa,economisca, ing. Industrial. Con experiencia minima de 5 años, manejo de personal, inventarios, presupuesto, con vehiculo propio, dispuesto a viajar fuera d...

The Unignorables

People used to save for the future. Then they lived paycheck to paycheck. Then they borrowed from the future for the consumption of today. The they borrowed to pay off their debts. When they couldn't borrow any more, governments borrowed to bail out the lenders. What's next? ' We are one shock away from a full-blown [food] crisis ,' according to World Bank President Robert Zoellick . ' The financial crisis taught us that prevention is better than cure. We cannot afford to forget that lesson .' The Unignorables

Picnic for the Planet this Earth Day


Un tema para reflexionar en esta semana Mayor. Nos uno u otro país, una u otra persona Somos TOD@S comencemos hoy, poco a poco pero aportemos a un cambio ambiental-ecológico, en beneficio de nuestro planeta, por la preservación de la todo ser viviente- Retransmitido: La Voz de TODOS Nicaragua linked al MUNDO UN VISTAZO A LAS ESTADISTICAS MEDIO AMBIENTALES, PARA REFLEXIONAR » Fuente: Rainforest Radio