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Showing posts from January, 2021

We Prevailed..United in LOVE

 We Prevailed..United in LOVE.. For,By ,From the People ! We Stand ..United in LOVE 

THE BATTLE OF THE SOUL!AhLk__Jn80Ocd5nLQPn6Oehbmyo THE BATTLE  OF  THE  SOUL  By Karen Mary  Rappaccioli -Tünnermann Unfortunately, we see how bad thoughts.. conduce to false ideas .. and these ones to terrible actions. Just look at the below thought.. “If You don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore” President Trump “-01/06/21 It looks like an Apocalyptic premonition ,  where Nostradamus ..prophecies … probably were over looked . Real fantasy of lively nightmares monsters  .terrorists . attacking their own land  In our own land. ..? Paradoxes of unbelievable and macabre thoughts ..who then became actions of destruction  Who are the majority of our lieders at this moment ?  Them ..yes the Service's Love … our truly community leaders ..  They have stood and will continue stand for the people ,by the people . At the present moment.. These're not any more cheap politics  Believe me .. This is real…stuff...