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Showing posts from December, 2024

Focus on what matters

"Focus on what matters..of course you cannot be wondering arround ..up and down favoring prople oppinions. You have to Be you. Choose your habits, routines, hobbies ..find a place also to assist others.this will make you understand and be greatful how lucky you are...Choose ypur own little World..."kmrt "Focus on What Matters" by Darius Foroux 1. Identify your priorities: Take the time to reflect on what truly matters to you and what you want to achieve in life. This clarity will help you make better decisions and allocate your time and energy effectively. 2. Eliminate distractions: Minimize or eliminate distractions that hinder your focus and productivity. This includes reducing time spent on social media, turning off notifications, and creating a conducive environment for deep work. 3. Practice essentialism: Embrace the concept of essentialism, which means focusing on the vital few things that bring the most value and impact to your life. Say no to non-e...

The Analysis of Mind by Bertrand Russell

yes, the mind is always connected to our physical body, and we cannot and of course we cannot...forget how emotions shape, paint our thoughts... .How about how intetaction ..and our rutine play a very important roll in who we are. SO HOW IMPORTANT IS WHAT WE DO EVERYDAY...FOR OUR MIND AND PHYSICAL ACTIONS. Let's forget t the Scientific approach ..because itsel is the bridge between the Phylosophy, and Phycology ! by Kmrt Here are 10 lessons from The Analysis of Mind by Bertrand Russell: 1. Mind and Matter are Interconnected Russell argues that mental phenomena and physical processes are not entirely separate; they interact and influence each other. 2. Perception is Constructed Our understanding of the external world is a construction of sensory data processed by the brain, rather than a direct representation of reality. 3. The Role of Memory Memory is essential for connecting past experiences to the present, forming a cohesive sense of self and continuity. 4. Thought is Rooted...

Cent'anni di Solitudine ..un arte literario nell Tempo..

La solitudine come destino: un'epopea familiare tra magia e storia "Cent'anni di solitudine" è molto più di un semplice romanzo. È un affresco apocalittico che racconta la parabola esistenziale di una famiglia, i Buendía, e di un'intera comunità, Macondo, attraverso un arco temporale che abbraccia sette generazioni. García Márquez costruisce un universo narrativo in cui il tempo non scorre linearmente, ma si avvolge su se stesso in una spirale dove passato, presente e futuro si intrecciano in un dialogo atemporale. Il romanzo è un labirinto di specchi in cui i personaggi si riflettono e si moltiplicano, condannati a ripetere schemi comportamentali ereditari. I nomi - José Arcadio e Aureliano - si ripetono come un mantra, generando una vertigine identitaria che confonde il lettore e restituisce l'idea di un destino già scritto, ineluttabile. Ogni personaggio sembra portare con sé il DNA ancestrale della famiglia, un marchio genetico e spirituale che ne determ...