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Geriatric patients care a "Malatia" of Being Mortal... by Karen Mary Rappaccioli Tünnermann

My friends ..Just a brief important reminder about ICU geriatric care patients. By no means hospitals critical care geriatric patients..can just justify the unjustificable. To extend patients’life, and sacrifice their quality of diying,.. or better to say the individual well being and the right to die with dignity. Sometimes is not up to patients make medical desitions, because due to their delicated own medical conditions they can not express themselves . So families are the one they do so. Please let’s honor those who have died being abuse by the medical system. Without even them knowing it. And let’s be us ..together with our future generations the guardians of Geriatric intensive care patients ... Being mortal is a right economic deshonest manipulation. In memoriam of the unkown ,and known Human Beings who have already passed away before Medical institutions have admitted them to ICU. Love in peace, Karen Mary July 17th, 2024 Some place in the Universe

Meno amici significa di piu/ Sarà che meno vita sociale diventa più intelligente ? Guarda...

Some how I"ll find my way home

"Some day thru my time..I"ll find my way home where the light will absorbe my history wh ich need to be told " kmrt

Unique sale on the Pacific Ocean of Chacocente NICARAGUA!

Great opportunity for sale 5 manzanas (9 acres) on the Pacific Ocean coast at Chacocente, Nicaragua. New paved road, and all infractructures ;water, electricity, restaurants, hotels . Near by 5 stars Resources in Costa Esmeralda . And new interstate beach road . (COSTANERA) Located next to Chacocente Reserve and river Escalante. Clean family private title since 1970. Updated Legal documents ready for sale. Owner/broker Karen Mary Rappaccioli 8124 9178 Tigo or WhatsApp 1-954-687-2954

Taichizidong just do it ..

And then it is climate change by ( who) got the answer

" Everyone needs to plant a seed ,a tree, the idea is to over grow tree population than humans' ...kmrt

Ogni giorno è una vita per Karen Mary

Cada giorno è diverso... e cada giorno è unico e diventa una VITA una opportunità per essere megliore per fare il aiuto; al Circolo della Vita, gli animali, le plante , e l'essere umani Ogni giorno è una opportunità per essere migliore per diventare un'anima dove il profumo del cuore farai un aiuto per il Universo... Ricorda Ogni Giorno è una Vita per Karen Mary Rappaccioli Tünnermann

EL Actuar inmortaliza por KMRT

Acciones .. inmortalizan las palabras " kmrt En el diario...vivir encontramos, promesas de negocios, de amor..inclusive de Vida. Desafortunadamente no tienen conexió hay compromiso en su ejecuciones. Si querés inmortalizar las palabras actúa. Se obediente y fiel en el actuar . Nunca disfraces la verdad de mentiras indolentes. Q' cercenan las emociones en el diario Vivir. Por Karen Mary Rappaccioli-Tünnermann

Es el Rencor una enfermedad mental y por ende del Alma? . Por Karen Mary Rappaccioli Tünnermann

La pregunta para nosotros sería .¿ Es el el rencoroso enfermo mental y .. por ende no perdona, y se encierra en un continuar en su camino de envenamiento., tanto a su mente como a su cuerpo? En el vaivén de mi vida e encontrado (que yo haya sabido) 4 personas con un rencor= odio hacía mi..persona. 3 de ellas hermanas..entre ellas . Porqué? Coloquialmente por lo que nosotros diríamos tonterías...? Haciendo un análisis..breve..mi humilde opinión, y el común denominador de estos Seres Humanos fue abandono y negligencia emocional por sus padres en la niñez. Falta de amor y apoyo de sus padres. Obviamente sus padres no lo hicieron a propósito ambos padres cargaban con sus propios Traumas " baggages". Bueno pero la buena noticia es que si nosotros nos lo proponemos, dejamos de poner excusas ,y reconocemos que esta en nosotros el cambio. Para ser bondadosos..y por ende benevolentes con los altos ,y bajos en nuestras vidas. La respuesta está en el propio interior de cada uno ? Re

Is there any link related to ntestine Bacterias, and the Vado Cranial Nerve in developing Parkinson?

Computadora Cuántica y el Planeta Tierra por

Será que con la implementación de la Computadora Cuántica en nuestras Sociedades. Va aportar a vivir mejor en la tierra.? Con sus avances especialmente en reinventar las caristias específicas de la mayoría de Los Seres Humanos en diversar areas y continentes . KMRT " Pero no es el fin de la especie: a medida que los humanos prosperen habrá menos necesidad de luchar por los recursos que tenemos." BBC Quiénes son Inteligentes? Es suficiente el conocimiento o entender la perspectiva del Fututo ? KMRT

Mental illnesses need to be addressed to avoid destructive addictions by Karen Mary Rappaccioli Tünnermann

It is very important to identify what are our weakening points either mental or physical illnesses. So we can address them in a positive way . Though avoid destructive addictions . kmrt✨️

Water. L'aqua ,Agua by Karen Mary Rappaccioli Tünnermann

LET'S promote ASAP good sustainable practices to diminish an already destruction in our water Resources..

Mental Illnesses can be improved Karen Mary Rappaccioli Tünnermann

My friends there is always hope improve mental situations . Have a more estable life emotionally and physically. Don't give up ...look for help ! Another important tool is activating copying mechanisms : find your own rhythm....may be dancing...reading ... ✨️kmrt

Poetry is ... by Karen Mary Rappaccioli Tünnermann

Poetry is the talking of the Soul. A way to connect words with...the heart . The rithym and shades of words..that play with our dreams ..and make them a reality .. Poetry is the seal that make the words alive. I've drawn mountains , and oceans where the blue and the green kiss themselves..making my dreams alive ... By KMRT ✨️