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WORLD MIGRATORY BIRD DAY (WMBD) : How essential and fundamental is to preserve our Migratory Birds – preservar nuestras aves migratorias- Do not disrupt the circle of life: Let’s STOP hunting ; let’s preserve our species ! No more ignorance, let’s create awareness to protect our Flora & Fauna! La Voz de TODOS Nicaragua linked al MUNDO Enviado mediante la barra Google"


JOBS - JOBS – JOBS - CONNECTING JOB OPPORTUNITIES WITH QUALIFIED APPLICANTS Partner with the Global Business Council to directly impact the economic development our community by putting people back to work Send us your current job openings and business opportunities. CONTACT INFORMATIONBUSINESS COUNCIL T: (1) 954-839-8866 (1) 888-489-3633 E: Promoting success! La Voz de TODOS Nicaragua linked al MUNDO
Definitivamente que el desarrollo de la Cultura es imperante en un saludable avance en la   economía de toda nación, es mas deben ir mano a mano para lograr un crecimiento en la educación integral y sostenible de Todos y para TODOS! La Voz de TODOS Nicaragua linked al MUNDO-  Lo mejor que le puede suceder a toda sociedad es el conocimiento lo peor la ignorancia. Sócrates Las ponencias y participación del público se recogerán en una memoria que posteriormente será editada y distribuida entre las distintas entidades culturales nacionales e instituciones homólogas centroamericanas. La industria de la cultura ha demostrado ser un instrumento eficaz para impulsar el crecimiento económico, y en Nicaragua existe una fuente inagotable de bienes y servicios que son de naturaleza cultural. A este evento han sido invitados promotores de cultura y turismo, integrantes de las Cámaras de Comercio, miembros de la empresa privada, estudiantes universitario

Women in the Economy -

Women in the Economy - A Blueprint for Change At a Wall Street Journal conference, business and government leaders examined what's holding women back in the workplace—and set out an action plan for creating new opportunities. Join the Discussion Task Force Members Where Are All the Senior-Level Women? Vikram Malhotra sums up McKinsey's research into why women are being held back in the workplace and how that can be fixed. Claudia Goldin, Saadia Zahidi and Nancy Carter discuss the findings. Read the McKinsey report on unlocking women's potential. Coaching Urged for Women How important is coaching in advancement? The Juggle: Why Women Rarely Leave Middle Management Tales From the Front Lines Mellody Hobson, Julie Louise Gerberding, Marissa Mayer and Debra L. Lee talk about challenges for women in the workplace and how they did what they did. Video: Google's Mayer on Privacy Agreement Vote: Should more resources go to women? The Global View S