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How to Negotiate the Salary You Deserve - Finance and Accounting Jobs News and Advice

How to Negotiate the Salary You Deserve - Finance and Accounting Jobs News and Advice : "- Handling the Low-ball Offer - Employers expect you to negotiate, so don't be anxious about countering a low offer, says Weeks. That's why knowing the salary range for a position similar to yours in your geographic region is key, says Weeks. "That's what you can use as your weapon for negotiatin g," she says. If you're coming out of unemployment, don't expect to have as much negotiating power, says Lawson. In fact, you might have to settle for less. Rather than outright rejecting a pay cut from your previous job, talk to your potential boss about revisiting the salary question once you've had time to prove yourself on the job, suggests Lawson. While you won't be able to get it in writing, it's worth asking if you can revisit the issue six months into the job, she suggests. - Promoting success! retransmitted: La Voz de TODOS Nicaragua linked al MUN

BBC Mundo - Noticias - Por qué los Beckham son un mal ejemplo para el medio ambiente

Por qué los Beckham son un mal ejemplo para el medio ambiente : "- Planificación familiar o nos avecinamos a una hecatombe social, ética, cultural, de valores y ambiental .Debemos tener familias responsablemente e integralmente donde la maternidad y la paternidad sean implementadas eficientemente con amor y tolerancia en nuestras hi@s y generaciones a seguir. Donde se formen ciudadanos con ética y valores en beneficio de sus familias y sus sociedades y de esta manera aportar y transformar el mundo en lugar más apacible y en armonía entre todos los seres vivientes y nuestra Naturaleza. Eduquemos y creemos conciencia de tener los hijo@s que podamos ver emocionalmente y económicamente por un Mundo mejor para TODO@S! "Creemos que hoy en día las parejas deberían tener uno o dos hijos, porque hay demasiada gente en el mundo, y es por eso que tenemos todos estos problemas medioambientales", dijo Simon Ross, director ejecutivo de la Organización para la Población Óptima.

YouTube - ‪Nicarágua: Catedral de León é declarada Patrimônio Mundial‬‏

YouTube - ‪Nicarágua: Catedral de León é declarada Patrimônio Mundial Nuevamente nuestra NICARAGUA nos llena de orgullo y regocijo nacional la declaración de UNESCO de la Catedral de León como patrimonio Mundial. La Voz de TODOS Nicaragua linked al MUNDO ‬‏

Cocaine addiction linked to brain abnormalities | Science | The Guardian

Cocaine addiction linked to brain abnormalities | Science | The Guardian : COCAINA destruye el Cerebro- the chordate nucleus - was enlarged in subjects who were addicted to the drug. This could explain why those subjects were more prone to addiction but the scientists cannot be sure whether the enlargement is a result of cocaine use. is the official Web site of Latin Business Club of America | WOV

Dear Karen , Our Fifth Annual Women of Virtue Awards luncheon will take place on September 22, 2011! Thank you for making this luncheon a successful sold out event every year. We are ready to take your nominations for yourself or any woman that you feel should be recognized. Deadline for nominations is June 15, 2011. Please see below for nomination instructions. Tickets on sale June 22, 2011. Sponsorship opportunities are now available. South Florida Venue to be announced. About the Awards Women of Virtue Awards Alba