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World News - Latest Headlines, Top Stories, Breaking Global News -- La Voz de TODOS Nicaragua linked a lMUNDO

·         While U.S. and European firms are waking up to Africa's accelerating growth, companies based on the continent also are expanding. From an abandoned farm outside Lagos, Nigeria, a Zambian beef processor is moving into one of Africa's most promising markets. WORLD NEWS!
President Hosni Mubarak said he will delegate some powers to his Vice President but he declined to step down after earlier reports suggested the military would take control. The president's speech sparked anger among protesters who continue to march against his regime.
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel, angered over Axel Weber's surprise decision not to pursue the presidency of the European Central Bank, is expected to press the Bundesbank head to resign his office as soon as she can name a successor, people familiar with the matter said.
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While U.S. and European firms are waking up to Africa's accelerating growth, companies based on the continent also are expanding. From an abandoned farm outside Lagos, Nigeria, a Zambian beef processor is moving into one of Africa's most promising markets.
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India and Pakistan agreed to again restart wide-ranging peace talks, largely on hold since Pakistan militants attacked Mumbai in 2008.
  • [kenny]
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The man likely to be Ireland's next prime minister said the government should wait until a round of stress tests on the country's banks has been completed before recapitalizing them.
U.S. authorities ordered sanctions against LebaWorld News - Latest Headlines, Top Stories, Breaking Global News - Wall Street Journal -


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    La V OZ De TODO S - an unique worldwide social media - promoting success! -   "El mundo se le escapó al periodismo. Tenemos que reinventar al mundo" (Pisani, 2005, párr. 1), ha declarado Gabriel García Márquez ante la Fundación para un Nuevo Periodismo Iberoamericano tel:         505- 2271-1951 MOBIL- 505-8672-4525 Mobil-505-8948-9000 international phone +1-786-245-4081 MANAGUA, NICARAGUA P   Antes de imprimir este mensaje piense bien si es necesario hacerlo. El medioambiente es cosa de todos.      

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