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Le Monde diplomatique -La Voz de TODOS Nicaragua linked al MUNDO

March 2011 Arab Awakening: US fears as regional order slips; Arab armies rethink their role; Libya, warring tribes; Egypt, enter the Brothers; West Bank, anger at PA, Egypt, workers want a better deal; Algeria, symbol of resistance fades; Stuxnet, cyberwars ahead? Latin America-Palestine love affair; South-South alliances; Georgia, no place like home; organic farming’s own goal? Northern Ireland’s dissident dramas... and more...
  • The new Arab awakening

    Could Iran be next? — Serge Halimi

    The targets for the lethal bullets may be varied – Shia or Sunni, moderate or radical, pro-western or anti-imperialist – but the regimes that fire those bullets against their own people are identical. The Libyan regime in Tripoli used to call for world revolution before it opted to patrol the EU’s borders .
    Governments of very different shades find common ground in the same disinformation. Iran has claimed that the Arabs’ democratic revolt heralded an Islamic revival, inspired by the 1979 (...)
    Translated by Barbara Wilson
  • ‘Neither with the West, nor against it’ — Alain Gresh

    The upheavals taking place across the Arab world have implications not just for the region but the world. As the United Nations attempted to calm the situation in Libya, the US told Gadafy it was time to go. While the EU fears mass immigration from Libya, the US faces the impact on the regional order of the fall of Mubarak, pillar of US policy across the region, from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to Iran
    Translated by Stephanie Irvine
  • To shoot, or not to shoot? * — Salam Kawakibi and Bassma Kodmani

    Each revolt has compelled the armed forces to choose between siding with the regime, or with the people. Will they be able to preserve their decades of privilege now the regimes are falling?
    Translated by Charles Goulden
  • Egypt: first democracy, then a pay rise * — Raphaël Kempf

    The revolution didn’t end when Hosni Mubarak’s regime fell. Now most Egyptians want a better standard of living and more equitably shared wealth
    Translated by Tom Genrich
  • The Muslim Brothers in Egypt’s ‘orderly transition’ — Gilbert Achcar

    After the revolution, a newly respectable Muslim Brotherhood, supportive of the army, is emerging. Could it become the best bet for the ‘orderly transition’ that Egypt, and the US, hope for?
    Translated by Ursula Meany Scott
  • West Bank wind of change — Joseph Dana and Jesse Rosenfeld

    As protests multiply across the Arab world and grassroots resistance grows in the West Bank, the Palestinian Authority faces popular anger for its investment in a failed ‘peace process’
    LMD English edition exclusive
  • How Gadafy used Libya’s tribes * — Ali Chibani

    Translated by Tom Genrich
  • Worm creates diplomatic wiggle room

    Iran’s Stuxnet affair * — Philippe Rivière

    Press revelations that the Stuxnet worm that attacked Iran had been developed in Israel, with US help, came as talks on Iran’s nuclear programme were held in Istanbul. Does this mean a new era of cyberwars?
    Translated by Stephanie Irvine
  • Another way to defy the US

    Latin America embraces Palestine * — Maurice Lemoine

    Suddenly many central and south American countries have formally recognised Palestine. Why?
    Source: Le Monde Diplomatique- Retransmitted: La Voz de TODOS Nicaragua linked al MUNDO
2011/03 - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition


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