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Battle for the Soul of the NATION!

by Karen Mary


Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.

 M L King 

A Vote for Peace .. A Vote for Love

36 years ago ... just starting a new chapter in

my younger .. years ..

when I moved to 

reside in this great Nation .  It would have been unthinkable to see the actual politic paths of hate and ignorance that everyday are present in our society .

Now it is easy to see someone saying what ever  they want .. without any sensitive respect  . Insulting..  creating separation. 

Hate, and the worst thing is 

that some people 

believe them. 

Anybody that gets a microphone can say the unimaginable of the unimaginable..  

lies .. and defamations to create chaos . 

Gangs have targeted some 

ethnicity groups and taking advantage of their  ingenuity and have  poisoned them with fallacy and ignorance .

Lies about their faith .. wellbeing 

and politic philosophies..

Please get the facts understand the meaning of concepts . The factor “herd”  “rebaño”should not have a possibility to be spread in this XXI Century  .

Questionable concepts must be part of healthy societies and communities . 

 The good thing about all these socio-cultural clinches is that sooner or later the truth will prevail .

There is not more analytics minds , with capacity of a thought.

People go to the extremes of ignorance .

There is not a concrete thought of intellectuality .

No knowledge that sustain a thought . 

Philosophy seems not to exist the meaning of an idea .

Words are spoken out without any form of decency and still minds that unfortunately believe them ... 

Concepts are .. made up, fulled of stupidities of supposed stories of conspiracies and destruction . 

Social media unfortunately has played a great responsibility in helping to promote ignorant opinions  and “fake news” .

And people believe them ..

What is worst ... imaginaries lies are created .. about old ideologies that history

knows that they do not exist in the actuality . It is like the clock of intellectuality 

stoped in their “ knowledge .

 It will be advisable for the believers .. of these cheap stories to investigate in reliable sources and look themselves for the intellectual true . 

Followers are easy manipulated to think and act like disturbed minds ..

the concept of leadership is loosing power everywhere.

“ Untrue words 

   create .. 

   bad thoughts 

   and them ..these bad    


   originate hateful actions”..,  

Racism and brutality are expressed in big ridiculous gatherings Circus where their participants exclaim to their own executioners .

This “ nebulosa or cloudiness “ of a virus is tinting with 

blood of stupidity in so many minds ..  

Which sadly they tear apart Love , 


and Empathy .

We still on time to get back and Unite this great Nation in Love ! 

Vote with Wisdom  ..! 

“Battle for the Soul of the Nation “! 


info. Turistica

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