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Emotional Intelligence by Karen Mary Rappaccioli Tünnermann

 Why the first student of the class is not the sucess executive . Well ..Emotional Intelligence. Play a very import roll .Yes my friends this is the magical tool that helps us to live a life with less bumping roads , and shaking situations .That eventually  without regulate them , they become like thorns that do not allow us to live  a peacefully life and eventually happy. We all have positive and negative emotions we need to embrace the first ones and diminish the last ones . When we improve the positives which spread  faster than the irrationales we can say that we are winning a battle. Remember no all the situations , because there is not a rule of thumb that generalize and improve all our bad desicitions . Emotional Intelligence has a physiological answer. They are located in lower part of the Brain so let's try to train them to have a balance among them. Fear, anger, moody , depression.  It is not easy my friends but like everything in life is a training thing.  We must know ourselves so we can avoid trigger points of the negatives' and on the opposite to stimulate the Positive ones...

Read the book link posted i. my blog about Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goldman. 

Until next time,

Your friend,

Karen Mary

Rappaccioli- Tunnermann 💫


info. Turistica

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