...any alive being ..breathe ...we take a breath...to be in the Power of Now ..
our reality,
who we are,
our inner being,
breathing takes us back to us...
just Be !
Many allianments and diseases are improved by breathing movments;
deep breathing, breath of fire, counsous breathing... right and left nostril breathing ...
We are like the ocean ..we breathe from our deepest feelings ..
from waves either low or high tides ..but breathe ...at the end what is important is to be alive to BREATHE
Don't forget JUST BREATHE !
By Karen Mary Rappaccioli-Tünnermann

La V OZ De TODO S - an unique worldwide social media - promoting success! www.krappaccioli-tunnermann.info - http://wwwkrappaccioli-tunnermann.blogspot.com/ "El mundo se le escapó al periodismo. Tenemos que reinventar al mundo" (Pisani, 2005, párr. 1), ha declarado Gabriel García Márquez ante la Fundación para un Nuevo Periodismo Iberoamericano tel: 505- 2271-1951 MOBIL- 505-8672-4525 Mobil-505-8948-9000 international phone +1-786-245-4081 MANAGUA, NICARAGUA P Antes de imprimir este mensaje piense bien si es necesario hacerlo. El medioambiente es cosa de todos.