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Cuando el Tiempo se nos va por Karen Mary Rappaccioli Tünnermann

  Cuando el tiempo se nos va..   No se detiene El viento sopla envano Sin estupor  Sin detalle Sin importar Que el tiempo  Ya se ha ido... Kmrt 5/5/2023 Incae, Managua 

Emotional Intelligence by Karen Mary Rappaccioli Tünnermann

 Why the first student of the class is not the sucess executive . Well ..Emotional Intelligence. Play a very import roll .Yes my friends this is the magical tool that helps us to live a life with less bumping roads , and shaking situations .That eventually  without regulate them , they become like thorns that do not allow us to live  a peacefully life and eventually happy. We all have positive and negative emotions we need to embrace the first ones and diminish the last ones . When we improve the positives which spread  faster than the irrationales we can say that we are winning a battle. Remember no all the situations , because there is not a rule of thumb that generalize and improve all our bad desicitions . Emotional Intelligence has a physiological answer. They are located in lower part of the Brain so let's try to train them to have a balance among them. Fear, anger, moody , depression.  It is not easy my friends but like everything in life is a training th...

Vivencias Autóctonas NICARAGÜENSES por Karen Mary Rappaccioli Tünnermann

 Hoy dìa en que nos recocijamos en el pasar de las actualidades, que con él Sr. Tiempo se transforman en história... y eventualmente pueden inclusive trascender al Futuro. Convirtiéndose en un juego de matices...y así de etapas en época en época es vivir es historia es leer trascender ..servir y Amar a través de una tinta que cobra vida en un papel.. Próximamente VIVENCIAS AUTÓCTONAS NICARAGÜENSES  11 histórias...thru my life..thru my pages ..become Alive  kmrt En el Mundo 23 de Diciembre, 2023 Karen Mary Rappaccioli Tünnermann 

The power of an organized team

source Leadership First ✨️retransmitted by La Voz de los sin Voz 

La Voz de los Sin Voz  


👀retransmitted; Source Leadership First  


Our monthly book April 2023💫 "Inspire your team to be a Leader comes from the heart ..linked to the mind .."kmrt "Can you inspire your team hearts and minds every day? If you can, your organization will become one of the best in the world, and your team will perform at heights you never imagine. Harvard Business School gathered data from assessments of more than 50,000 leaders, and the ability to inspire stood out as one of the most critical competencies. Inspiration creates the highest levels of engagement, it is what separates the best leaders from everyone else, and it is what employees want most in their leaders. The Inspirational Leader, Inspire Your Team To Believe In." CThomas

Marketing; creating the need + PR = SALES BY Karen Mary

 Marketing creates the need; first we need to do an X Ray of the client to identify his/her needs . Then use Public Relations which is the support of the Sales. ✨️kmrt 

Neuroscience at Work por Karen Mary RT

 "Reprogramación ( mind hacking ) son herramientas cada vez más poderosas de la Neuroscience en bebeficio de trabajos exitosos ! " kmrt ✨️

Public Relations is the support of Sales

 PR is the support of Sales, Marketing creates the need... By Karen Mary  Rappaccioli Tünnermann  Every Organization, must include PR in its administrative platform.  Either for sale services, products ..Actually we all sale .. Sale is an art with two important designs ; Marketing, and PR. Let's start ...💫kmrt 

JUST DO IT ! by Karen Mary Rappaccioli Tünnermann

 Don't be afraid of the unknown challenges, have resiliance..don't lose your focus . Keep doing it, and you will reach it..It would have been easy .."everybody will have done it ". Just find your own rhythm ... kmrt ✨️

Karen Rappaccioli You Tube

Karen Rappaccioli You Tube

How important is Team Work ...? Karen Mary

Working for a company.? ..we associates, coworkers ..peers ..are representing a Brand Name.. we have to trasend our individualism be us... not I.. Team work is like a sinfony..when it plays a melody , all the instruments have to play in a holistic , harmonic way .. Thus...does it is  how companies succeed ✨️... working in a sincronized way ... one .. Voice... the voice of all of us ...  This is a main tool to suceed for companies.... Team work = company succeed Until next time amigos ... kmrt  By Karen Mary  Rappaccioli Tünnermann 

Brand Awareness

 Just a note ... 2023 Brand Awareness in our times.. By Karen Mary  Rappaccioli-Tünnermann  Now more than ever is fundamental to create Brand Awareness...with. .outstanding rapport . Clients are not only looking for prices but for a unique experience with an exceptional client/ guest  relationship where client and , associate or product stablishes a conection that bounds them for LIFE.  "WHERE THE BRAND NAME Experience .. trasends the product itself.." kmrt  Now. Now more than ever... Karen Mary Rappaccioli-Tünnermann  01/14/23 At some place , sometime SF Bay, CA

Thru Times ...

 Thru Times .. I have flown in the infinite imaginary world.. I have seen time passed thru lies ..and truths.. .Now it is time to check ..the reality of my time ..left .. Thru my times ..I will live..thru the dimetion in time . No worry for time  because I am my time I am the time  thru my times  Karen Mary Rappaccioli-Tünnermann  San Jose, CA 95131 Time that I've used ...that I've