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Just Breathe ...

...any alive being ..breathe ...we take a be in the Power of Now .. our reality, who we are, our inner being, breathing takes us back to us... just Be ! Many allianments and diseases are improved by breathing movments; deep breathing, breath of fire, counsous breathing... right and left nostril breathing ... We are like the ocean ..we breathe from our deepest feelings .. from waves either low or high tides ..but breathe the end what is important is to be alive to BREATHE Don't forget JUST BREATHE ! By Karen Mary Rappaccioli-Tünnermann

Mi noche ..entre mis sueños...

La Noche es el elixir de una segunda vida paralela sino igual a la vida matutina. La noche se vive en el umbral de los sueños. Algunos se reconocen otros solo son los matices ,las sombras de nuestras vidas nocturnas. Probablemente no pensamos ..más reaccionamos a esos vividos matices. Fuerzas disfrazadas de otras vivencias y de otras vidas en nuestras vidas. Ansío mi reposo..te esperó cada noche sin nunca despertar entre mis sueños. Sì mi noche sos mi anhelo sin retorno ..solo eso el Ser de mi noche. Por Karen Mary Rappaccioli en algún lugar 🌟kmrt

Il Tempo è sempre puntale

Alguna volta noi possiamo pensare che il tempo è in ritardo...Per esempio cuando vorriamo in fretta alcuna cosa materiale . Ma' sempre..sempre le cose succedeno cuando il tempo è precisso e justo per la crescita di nostra anima .  Soltando dobbriamo aspettare con pazienza... Ricorda .. ricorda sempre il Tempo è puntale.. kmrt ✨️  

Emotional Intelligence 

This too shall Pass

  The deepness of the Ocean transmutes in shades of low and hight tides nothing is steady it fluctuedes thru Life ..thru the moments . Yes..enjoy both tides and you will just LIVE .  Karen MRT . ✨️ T he phrase "this too shall pass" is often used to describe the transient nature of life. It means that  everything is temporary and that nothing lasts forever . This includes both the good and the bad times. The idea is that we should not get too attached to anything because it will eventually end.

Dove è il mare

Ho bisogno di trovare il mare..non lo so dove è..lo è perso…mi manca il suo silenzio sulle onde’ Io so che algún giorno lo trovare altre volta…altre volta … Alcune volte mi chiedo a la mia stessa persona "sarà che non lo potre trovare...mai?" Karen Mary 07/28/23 In alcun luogo 

Complaining and your health ? By Karen Mary Rappapaccioli-Tünnermann

 Now and then we all complaint; because is too hot, too cold, bad customer service,  traffic so ...on and on . Recently in New researches by Stanford University in California,  have showed how unhealthy is to complaint for our brain, even to be close of complainers.  Can even makes us more pront to have cognitive issue's.  Science studies confirmed the damage we can do to our brain when we complaint ( high cortisol, neurons alterations, and blood pressure )Philosophy also agreed that is also positive ( Marcus Aurelious)  no to complaint . But they are also other opinions : that complaint could be positive because we get rid of negative energy that accumulated in our mind , and makes us sick . My humble opinion is not to go to the extremes .. let's the river flows...and let's learn from positive and negative situations...

¿ Oportunidades? Por Karen Mary Rappaccioli Tünnermann

 Oportunidades vienen y van ... hay veces no las vemos son como gotas de água que se secan antes de caer a tierra. No importa lo mas importante es crecer ,ya sea que las percibimos o las dejemos pasar. Crecer , es evolucionar , es VIVIR !!

We need to suceed helping !!

 We all have different gifts, and if we transform them in our passion we make sparklings✨️ in the World.  Just remember we can not succeed stepping on somebody's else toes. On the opposite help anyone you can... to make it succeed!  Karen Mary Someplace Any time 🌟

Thru my Years Karen Mary Rappaccioli Tünnermann

 Thru my years.. By Karen Mary  Rappaccioli-Tünnermann  Thru my year I started to think? I believe everything else were just thoughts .. though from my Soul..from inspiration ..but not coming from the real world we live . It is not enough just to think but to med-editate …coming from the Latin language.  “ Editare  …”. It is not enough jus to think form thoughts but to medi-tate about them. Compare our own past  experiences, and from other  people’s .  Think about some philosophical form of thoughts, and let them actively take actions for our own well-being and humanity. Unfortunately we make many mistakes. And you know what. ? Life is too short.  Suddenly Life is gone .. So thru my years I have experienced the need to look around. To learn , to grow from every second, every minute ..while we are forming our thoughts .. then .. they will become actions.. and then become our own Life  .. Thru my years … by  Karen Mary S...

Cuando el Tiempo se nos va por Karen Mary Rappaccioli Tünnermann

  Cuando el tiempo se nos va..   No se detiene El viento sopla envano Sin estupor  Sin detalle Sin importar Que el tiempo  Ya se ha ido... Kmrt 5/5/2023 Incae, Managua 

Emotional Intelligence by Karen Mary Rappaccioli Tünnermann

 Why the first student of the class is not the sucess executive . Well ..Emotional Intelligence. Play a very import roll .Yes my friends this is the magical tool that helps us to live a life with less bumping roads , and shaking situations .That eventually  without regulate them , they become like thorns that do not allow us to live  a peacefully life and eventually happy. We all have positive and negative emotions we need to embrace the first ones and diminish the last ones . When we improve the positives which spread  faster than the irrationales we can say that we are winning a battle. Remember no all the situations , because there is not a rule of thumb that generalize and improve all our bad desicitions . Emotional Intelligence has a physiological answer. They are located in lower part of the Brain so let's try to train them to have a balance among them. Fear, anger, moody , depression.  It is not easy my friends but like everything in life is a training th...

Vivencias Autóctonas NICARAGÜENSES por Karen Mary Rappaccioli Tünnermann

 Hoy dìa en que nos recocijamos en el pasar de las actualidades, que con él Sr. Tiempo se transforman en história... y eventualmente pueden inclusive trascender al Futuro. Convirtiéndose en un juego de matices...y así de etapas en época en época es vivir es historia es leer trascender ..servir y Amar a través de una tinta que cobra vida en un papel.. Próximamente VIVENCIAS AUTÓCTONAS NICARAGÜENSES  11 histórias...thru my life..thru my pages ..become Alive  kmrt En el Mundo 23 de Diciembre, 2023 Karen Mary Rappaccioli Tünnermann 

The power of an organized team

source Leadership First ✨️retransmitted by La Voz de los sin Voz 

La Voz de los Sin Voz